Refugees with degrees: Eyad Abdulkader, Part 1

With the agreement to return Syrian refugees to Turkey, it’s worth remembering that despite what Amnesty international says about Turkey being unfit for refugees, Turkey has a number of educated refugees and displaced persons who are making their way in Turkey doing things like N…

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Refugees with degrees: Shawarmas and Staying in Turkey

News about Syrian refugees and Turkey make this country seem like just a springboard for Syrians going to Europe and North America. The narrative seems to go like this: Syrian refugee comes to Turkey. Syrian wants to live the EU dream and be reunited with uncle/cousin/friend who is already there. Syrian waits for dangerous passage to Europe. […]

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A Very Merry Secular Syrian Refugee Christmas

Sixty five children with Santa hats laughing and singing Christmas carols, hollering with excitement after opening gifts, running around with glee. If you grew up in the U.S. or Europe, it’s easy to imagine such a mirthful scene at Christmas. But this wasn’t at a school or family gathering in America, it was at a […]

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