So Long, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer

I got laid off today from Ihlas. Financial troubles. Happy Ramadan to me. At least I won’t have to put up with the closed cafeteria during the holy month. Today is my last day. Only four hours notice. This place is flying by the seat of its pants too much. Coincidentally (or perhaps not???) Jaap […]

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Two Turkey must reads

Since I have been here, I  have swallowed two must reads about Turkey that make a great pair to read at the same time or in succession. The first is no hidden find, especially since its author won some Scandinavian bling back in ’06. It is Istanbul: Memories and the City by Orhan Pamuk. You […]

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Ah, to be named “Ezra” in Turkey!

Being named Ezra in Turkey suuure is fun! You see, the name Ezra is one of those names that is remarkably similar to a common Turkish WOMAN’S name: Esra. In fact, when said quickly, the two sound almost indistinguishable, at least to the Turkish ear. Or so it seems judging from the looks I get […]

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Regina Spektor plays her some good piano

…and sings, too! Her new album is out.  Titled “Far”, her latest probably doesn’t outdo her last album, “Begin to Hope.” But thats okay because she needed to step back a bit from the sometimes uppity  “Hope,” which put her in danger of becoming to poppy and being featured on too many department store ads. […]

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Didn’t Get the Job

Well. It was a humbling experience. I thought that given how difficult, spoiled and disrespectful the students at Istanbul’s Beykent University English language school are, I thought getting a job teaching there would be a matter of me  choosing them, not them choosing me. Well, to my surprise I was told that my observed lesson […]

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