The July 16 Effect
I understand that a coup attempt is no trivial matter, but as with any problem, how one reacts is key.
Thoughts on the coup attempt
It’s after one o’clock in the morning and there are reports of shots being fired in different parts of the city. The coup reactions have filtered down to the people and people are moving through the stages of grief, to anger. Erdoğan told everyone to not accept what is going on right now and get […]
A Weekend in a Sivas Village
It’s 11:03 pm and we’re traveling on the otoyol somewhere near Adapazarı. Ten middle-aged passengers on this chartered Metro Turizm bus are dancing the halay in the aisle. What’s all the commotion? A Turkish wedding on a bus? A young man going to military service? St…
Refugees with degrees: Eyad Abdulkader, Part 1
With the agreement to return Syrian refugees to Turkey, it’s worth remembering that despite what Amnesty international says about Turkey being unfit for refugees, Turkey has a number of educated refugees and displaced persons who are making their way in Turkey doing things like N…
Refugees with degrees: Shawarmas and Staying in Turkey
News about Syrian refugees and Turkey make this country seem like just a springboard for Syrians going to Europe and North America. The narrative seems to go like this: Syrian refugee comes to Turkey. Syrian wants to live the EU dream and be reunited with uncle/cousin/friend who is already there. Syrian waits for dangerous passage to Europe. […]
Read more Refugees with degrees: Shawarmas and Staying in Turkey