Arrived in Istanbul

Hey everybody! Its been a few minutes since I rapped at you, but I wanted to throw out a hearty “Merhaba” from Istanbul!

Being here again after six years is like having a good recurring dream that hasn’t recurred in a long time. The places look oddly familiar, the people do to, and the hills are just as tough on the calves as ever.

The slightly melancholy feeling of the city, combined with the tremendous hospitality of people I just met, such as the young Turkish guy who works at this hostel I am blogging from, make this town something of a continual enigma, unable to fit neatly into categories. Even the climate is such: Is it Mediterranean or temperate? The wishy-washy spring temps add to this identity crisis.

People have been telling me that picking up and moving here is “adventurous.” I am grateful for all the well wishes. It makes me wonder, though, about what being adventurous is. My friend in Portland mentioned that he would like to buy an old house there and fix it up. To me, that is very brave, somthing I would be very intimidated by. THAT is very adventurous in its own right. It takes commitment, patience, a desire to explore an unknown corner of the world, and even a bit of soul searching.

If I move to a city I have been to a few times, get a 9 to 5 job teaching a language I am fluent in, go home to an apartment and kick back with a friend and a beer. Is that an adventurous lifestyle? I suppose a lot of it is in the spinning.

But I hope to do some traveling, and some things I have never done, such as visit eastern Europe (Turkey borders Bulgaria, and places like Croatia and Hungry are not far away). There are still broader horizons to be sought, but learning to speak Turkish fluently and plunge back into the culture. Learning a language like Turkish is an adventure in its own right. Right?

Stay tuned for a post from what I hope will be my new apartment!

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2 thoughts on “Arrived in Istanbul

  1. pastortim says:

    merhaba! kaif ‘al hal?

    cool, now we can keep track of you as you travel.
    When you come home, you’ll have to visit us in our new house, Debbie and I are buying something around the corner from Aunt Marge’s old house.

    Keep us informed, I’ll sign up for the RSS feed so I can get email updates.

    be well


    • ezraman says:

      cool man thanks! Yeah I heard about the new digs. Congrats. Great time to buy a home. A. Marge was before my time. Never got to meet her as a sentient being. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to come by. I was in SR for less than 24 hours. I hardly even saw Missy and didn’t see Max. Kolay gelsin! (may it come easily!)

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