Don’t Count Out the “Underdog”

Yeah, m neither, but don't let down the guard


You can just feel it echoing through the mainstream media and even liberal blog soundchamber: Obama is thumping McCain, this sucker is all but over. Even the Daily Kos seems rife with the Beowulf victory party narrative. Obama 51, McCain 42. Put er ta bed.

Wait just a second. Deserved or not, McCain is known as a sort of backyard tough guy fighter who has seen it all and can rise up with a snap. Remember Spring 2007 (yeah it feels long ago — thanks scottrade, motley fool,  and Jerry Fallwell and the christian right establishment through their weight behind Rudy Guiliani, McCain was a has been who had to travel to New Hampshire just to fill 300 seats for a townhall meeting.

Now I know what you might be thinking. “Uh, yeah man that was a good six months before serious-o primary season:).” To which I might reply “yes” and then fumble around for a few seconds before saying: but we see how wrong the media can be, and we underestimate the ability of the Reumblican machine to  rise up and play on peoples worst fear.

Stay Strong obama folks. With the way the Cheney-Bush establishment has treated us, Obama is still most definetly the underdog. Keep your head up.


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